Buisness process rengineering


The Business Process Reengineering is the strategy that a company uses to analyse and possibly rewrite the processes, in order to optimize them. It consists of a detailed analysis of the operative model in effect and of a perspective formulation directed to the improvement of the efficiency and efficacy even by introducing new technological solutions.

Provided services

Baltik IT has gained competences about analysis, design and improving Processes even with the help of new software developments; more in detail the offered services are:

Process Design & Improvement: by the existing process analysis are intercepted possible critical issues and it proceeds with the reengineering of them in order to increase the benefits for Customers and for the organization; by the analysis of the conducted activities is formalized (design) the new process and the Work Operating Instruction in order to standardise the execution mode of it.

Business Process Automation: The existing process analysis, standardised with the Business Process Reengineering techniques, represents the basis on which it intervenes to introduce automations, also in individual phases of the process, to obtain an additional decrease of costs and activity execution times.



The implementation of a Business Process Reengineering logic allows to obtain different advantages in term of:

PROCESS INNOVATION: also by the application of technologies;

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: monitoring the single phases of the process and implementation of the improvement actions;

REPORTING: reporting of the productive and qualitative results obtained in reengineering processes;

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR: chance to control the process performances, in respect of the predetermined KPI, through an auditing of excellence;

PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCES: we have available the competence of Process Analysts and Software Developers.

Key points

Process innovation
Key performance indicator
Professional competences